Linda Kall

Linda Kall, American
Linda Kall’s talent for art was recognized early in her native Minneapolis, Minnesota, with exhibition at the Minneapolis Institute of Art and an award of merit from St. Cloud University Art Department.
After completing a Bachelor of Science in Art Education at Mankato State University, she taught high school art for seven years in the Minnesota school system. Kall’s style of art is loose—free and spontaneous. Color and form are priorities of the composition.
E X H I B I T I O N S , C O M M I S S I O N S & H O N O R S
Valley National Banks
Minneapolis Children’s Hospital
Golf Magazine
Kaiser Permanente
McDonald’s Corporation
Union Bank
Westinghouse Credit Corporation
Embassy Suites Hotels
Humana Hospitals, Inc.
Arts Alive, Scottsdale, Arizona
Avenue Art Gallery, Glendale, Arizona
Corporate Art Services, North Kansas City, Missouri
Wilde-Meyer Gallery, Scottsdale, Arizona
Published by New York Graphics Society